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Product and Category Custom Fields

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Custom fields can be enabled for your products and categories. They are primarily used to show custom data within your custom product or custom category page templates.

Enabling Custom Fields

  1. Login to SEO-Cart and go to Configure->Store Settings
  2. To use product custom fields, enable the "Enable custom fields for products" checkbox within the Miscellaneous Settings section. To use category custom fields, enable the "Enable custom fields for categories" checkbox within the Miscellaneous Settings section.
  3. Update your settings.

Setting Custom Field Data

  1. Once custom fields are enabled, modify or create a product or category in your store. 
  2. Set your custom data within the custom fields available within the "Custom Fields" section.
  3. Update your changes.

Using Custom Fields

  1. To display the custom field data on the website category or product pages, go to SEO-Cart->Configure->Subcategory Template, SEO-Cart->Configure->Category Template, or SEO-Cart->Configure->Product Page Template.
    AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CUSTOM_FIELD_1, AUTO_GENERATED_PRODUCT_CUSTOM_FIELD_2, etc dynamic keywords within your subcategory, category, or product custom template HTML code to place the dynamic data where you would like for it to go. 
  3. The custom fields can also be used for other special purposes and more advanced customization of your store. You may Contact us if you need any custom programming work done.

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