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Verify Email Settings for iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch

Support Home > Knowledge Base > My Account > Help Articles > Email Access and Management > Accessing Email Accounts

1) From your Home Screen, navigate to "Settings"

2) From the "Settings" menu, scroll down and select "Mail":

3) Select "Accounts" to view your email accounts:

4) Select your existing Cirkuit email account (the name shown may be different here depending on how you set it up):

5) Select your Email Account to verify settings:

6) Verify the following settings are all correct:

Name: (Your Full Name as it should appear on emails you send)
Email: (Your full email address)
User Name: (Your full email address)
Password: (Your email password)
Host Name:

7) Select the "Outgoing Mail Server" to verify settings:

8) Select the primary mail server:

9) Verify the following settings are all correct:

Host Name:
User Name: (Your full email address)
Password: (Your email password)
Authentication: Password
Server Port: 465

10) Press "Done" and go back two screens to the "Account" section, then select "Advanced"

11) Verify the Incoming Settings are set correctly:

Authentication: Password
Server Port: 993

Congratulations, you have verified that your email settings are correct on your iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch.

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