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Custom RMA Email Notification Settings

Support Home > User Guide > RMA Requests > RMA Settings > Field References
New Request Email Header: Optionally enter the custom email header text sent to the customer when an RMA Request is initially created.
New Request Email Footer: Optionally enter the custom email footer text sent to the customer when an RMA Request is initially created.
Approved Request Email Header: Optionally enter the custom email header text sent to the customer when an RMA Request's status has been changed to Approved.
Approved Request Email Footer: Optionally enter the custom email footer text sent to the customer when an RMA Request's status has been changed to Approved.
Refunded/Replaced Request Email Header: Optionally enter the custom email header text sent to the customer when an RMA Request's status has been changed to Refunded/Replaced.
Refunded/Replaced Request Email Footer: Optionally enter the custom email footer text sent to the customer when an RMA Request's status has been changed to Refunded/Replaced.
Rejected Request Email Header: Optionally enter the custom email header text sent to the customer when an RMA Request's status has been changed to Rejected.
Rejected Request Email Footer: Optionally enter the custom email footer text sent to the customer when an RMA Request's status has been changed to Rejected.

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