FedEx Shipping Merchant
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Note: If you wish to use FedEx as a shipping merchant and do not current have a FedEx account, you must first sign up for a new FedEx account and then sign up for a new FedEx developer account to obtain production access.
Enable FEDEX shipping merchant: Enable this option to use FedEx as your primary shipping merchant.
FedEx Authentication Key: Enter your FedEx production authentication key that was emailed to you after you successfully request production access from your FedEx developer account.
FedEx Password: Enter your FedEx production password that was emailed to you after you successfully request production access from your FedEx developer account.
FedEx Account Number: Enter your account number that was provided to you by FedEx.
FedEx Meter Number: Enter your FedEx production meter number that was emailed to you after you successfully request production access from your FedEx developer account.
Source Postal Code: Enter the postal code that you will be sending shipments from. This field is used to help calculate shipping rates for your customers.
Enable FedEx international shipping: Check the International shipping checkbox if you would like to allow FedEx International shipments to be made on your website.
Customer Type: Select your customer type, Residential or Commercial.
Print Shipping Label: Enable FedEx print shipping label / tracking number notification. A shipping label can be created when using the FedEx shipping label feature when viewing an order under the "Reviewed Orders" section. Once a shipping label has been created, a tracking number will automatically be emailed to the customer's email address.
Default Format Type: Choose the default format type to use when printing your FedEx shipping labels. Note that this can be modified directly when printing a shipping label for an order.
Signature Option: Choose the default signature option to use when printing your FedEx shipping labels. Note that this can be modified directly when printing a shipping label for an order.
Drop Off Type: Select the drop off type for how you intend to get your packages to FedEx for delivery.
Pay Type: Choose the Pay Type to use when printing your FedEx shipping label.
Test Mode: Enable FedEx test mode